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On door-to-door campaign

Door-to-Door Campaign: During the month of October, Collective Climb embarked on a comprehensive survey report of West Philadelphia to index community perspectives on public safety, the University of Pennsylvania’s Police Department, and alternatives to arrest. We spoke with 174 community members  between Market Street and Baltimore Avenue, and 40th Street and 47th Street, to glean community-based support for the University of Pennsylvania to explore alternatives to arrest and diversion programming. In fact, 92% of participants stated that alternatives to arrest would improve their trust in UPPD. 94% of participants living in 19104 voiced their backing of such endeavors, while 96% of community residents without an affiliation to the University indicated that alternatives to arrest would improve their trust of Penn Police. When asking participants about our diversion program specifically, 88% of participants believed the adoption of a diversion program for young people would have positive outcomes for the youth and the community at large.