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On negative space

Deep within the twinkling gasp of an American aspen, if you’re willing to think wide enough, and true enough, love begins to look like a pen running out of words and this page, something japanese or absolutely together. I throw your name against the bright of the paper knowing something about how language always approaches its referential crawl, and because you said ink is where black begins. Tell me what you are tired of. Why is this song so good..

Suppose this storm of a speech act is something Levinas tried to spend half a page making importable, and suppose this is why Koreans open supermarkets in the winter: you can't fill a shelf with an abyss and you can't fill a life with an Alaskan. This all has to do with how I looked at you after a Peroni that goes deeper than a sophomoric summer in Italy at seventeen, so in the wild hills where we dug up holes to fill them back up again, and so drunk with the idiots of our time, my gosh, not a single boyfriend for miles to come. The point of language is to draw that negative space where hands interweave into a lattice of trees which I now know to eat for if nothing else, they can hold my memory in Chinese.. 

I want to say something about idiocy. Idiocy is the art of making our miseries public on a stage that gets mistaken for a mirror. I look down and amortize the comedies of my face, but the reflection is strange because the sky is a part of the picture too. Those drowsy clouds that never appear to float up. I want to rise deeper into all this too but that's not what desires do. It can't be helped that one day we will all know the thing that connects us to that essential misery we call humanity, but the frustration is in why some of us are so rich in this education. A video goes live on instagram. Spanish breads staining the paper bag. I'm tired of people thinking I'm the weakest one he said. 

The truth is, I thought of Heidegger when you said negative space is useful in the way it brings attention to the light of an image. He said death holds and abides life or mortality. Levinas said, our deaths only become important when the it drags the entirety of our being in with it. Some of these thoughts are about the carolinas. Everything else, we can take home with you as donuts. Lovers like you are the negative space that frame the fact of my existence as somehow still and brimming with light.

It isn’t that I have a fetish for love stories that shush the announcement in my throat, it's that I’m afraid man is exactly what I know him to be. Someone that presses the weight of kind walks against not a city summer floor too hot, but this chest, so undone by the reservation and something wrong. This is no longer mine to hold. The tumble of time 

Spent without.    .