On the restorative community project

The Restorative Community Project in Three Acts: 

Participatory Action Research Project

The chorus of revolt sounds nothing like a capitol riot. Instead, it is staged in the everyday and in the everyone. Learn to close your eyes and listen closely for all the ways our bodies and survival are already the instruments of revolution. This is our welcome to the movement. This is our introduction to you. 

Restorative Justice Training: 

Even the strongest trees yearn for the gentle kiss of spring. Indeed, our communities are already loud, powerful, and full but no less in need of feast and care for having been so. Learn then how RJ can keep us and our neighbors free and complete, how you will be the ones to change our world and its futures. How we are all just strong trees waiting under a sheet of snow. 

Participatory Action Research Project: 

Time is of the essence. And we know you are ready to answer her call. Hold my hand as we gather all that we have harvested and share it with those who are still waiting to be heard, loved, and cherished. For our riches are in our truth. Our riches are in each other. 


On dreams


On collective kickback